Synchro 再生營養霜
Synchro 是 Gernetic 系列中最重要的公式。它平衡皮膚的功能:油性和乾燥性。它使表皮細胞再生並保持健康的細胞周轉。 Synchro 還具有抗炎、抗菌和令人難以置信的癒合特性。
Synchro 最初是為治療皮膚燒傷而開發的,是您在燒傷、疤痕或瘀傷後可以使用的最有效的乳霜。
Synchro 是每個皮膚程序的一部分。它可以單獨使用或與任何其他面霜一起使用。 Synchro 適用於所有皮膚類型和所有年齡段,即使是出現皮疹或其他皮膚狀況的嬰兒。
Biological compounds rich in glutamine, arginine and lysine and in potassium and magnesium. Regenerate the basal cells of the epidermis. Healing properties. Regulate the skin’s functions and restore its natural defence system.
Vitamins A, C, E, H and B complex. Bring essential nutrients that improves the skin’s functions. Anti-oxidants.
Calendula and sweet almond oils rich in essential fatty acids. Alleviate a number of skin problems. Healing, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-fungal. Hypericum oil. Antimicrobial, skin protecting. White beeswax. Emollient.